PRESCHOOL OPENINGS! Summer is slipping away! If you have a 4 or 5 year old needing a quality preschool experience this fall, check out Learning Adventures! The District's fee-based preschool is offered at three Sioux Falls School District elementary schools - Discovery, John Harris, and Sonia Sotomayor. Click the link for more info! https://www.smore.com/yvqsg
(Income eligible preschoolers may qualify for federally funded Early Childhood. Call 605-367-4484 for that program.)

Students/Families who need assistance with purchasing the necessary school supplies for a successful school year may consider attending Project SOS. The first day of classes for SFSD is Thursday, August 25, 2022.

We are excited to announce that Learning Adventures Preschool has expanded for Fall 2022! We are now offering an AFTERNOON class at John Harris, Discovery and Sonia Sotomayor Elementary! Class times are Monday - Thursday from 11:45am-2:45pm.
To learn more visit our website: https://www.smore.com/yvqsg

Sioux Falls School District is actively recruiting income eligible children turning age 4 prior to September 1st for a free, high-quality preschool experience. Attend our event on June 14th from Noon to 4 pm at the Learning Lab-2205 N Career Ave. Questions? 605-367-8488.

Are you moving over the summer? Is your student transferring to a different school? If so, please let the office know; thank you!

We are so excited - tomorrow is PTO’s End of the Year Bash! To kick-off the event, students and staff are encouraged to wear Discovery Spirit Wear or Discovery school colors (blue and yellow) tomorrow. We are looking forward to an amazing Friday!

The "End of the Year Bash" is Friday, and PTO needs volunteers to help supervise the games. There are several volunteer slots to fill! The games are very simple to explain and to supervise. If you can help, please sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44adad2ca3ff2-endofthe1

School Info 5.13.22
• Classes in-session and on-time today
• Bus routes may be impacted
• No tardies this morning
• Final day May 25, 2022

Yesterday was National School Nurse’s Day! A HUGE thank you to our school nurse, Mrs. Devon Stoffers! We appreciate everything that you do for students and staff at Discovery Elementary. We are grateful to have you! Students delivered cards to Nurse Devon today to thank her for helping them when they are sick or hurt.

Complete your student(s) annual update now for the 2022-23 school year!

Discovery has fifty students that are receiving the Presidential Award of Academic Excellence or Achievement. These students will be recognized on Friday. Congratulations!

Prairie West Library is closing at NOON tomorrow, Friday, May 6, 2022.

It's that time! Please complete your student(s) 2022-23 Annual Student Update. In addition to registering for school, the online registration gives you the opportunity to update your contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, household address, etc). You will also give your student(s) permission to be included in school publications (school pictures, yearbook, etc.), go on field trips, and be included in other SFSD photos and videos.
Please log into your Parent Portal/Infinite Campus. After logging in, select "More" on the left-hand side. From there, you will see the "Annual Information Update" link displayed. It is recommended that the annual update be completed on either a desktop or laptop computer - not a cell phone as you may not be able to submit or have other complications.

Parent/guardian feedback is important to SFSD! We just launched a 7-question survey - which takes 5 minutes or less - to help guide the next steps toward becoming the BEST school district in the nation!
Check your email or paste this URL in your browser: https://survey.k12insight.com/r/QDVv1e
The survey is open until the end of the school year. Take the survey once for each child enrolled. If you prefer to only take it on, please reference the oldest child in your household. Thanks for your participation!

📌 Reminder!
🌷 Spring Break starts tomorrow!
There will be NO school Friday, April 15, and Monday, April 18, 2022.
See you on Tuesday, April 19!

Mark your calendars! The last day of school will be Wednesday, May 25th, 2022.
The Sioux Falls School Board approved a recommendation at their meeting tonight to move the last day of school from Tuesday, May 24, 2022 to Wednesday, May 25, 2022 due to the one day of school missed for inclement weather in December.

Maxed out on NCAA basketball? Switch gears and take in some football to raise funds for Sioux Falls Schools without PTA/PTOs! The Sioux Falls STORM take on the Iowa Barnstormers (that's the team Kurt Warner played for before he became SuperBowl MVP!) at 7:05pm tonight at The Premier Center.
50% of net proceeds from tonight's game go to Night of Hope & Caring!

Community Engagement is a strong focus for the Sioux Falls School District. Take this 7-question survey to help us learn more about your interactions with your school and with other families.

Join us for our Pizza Bingo event on March 11 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Pizza will be available to purchase. $2 per slice or $12 per pizza. Bingo Cards are 2 for $1.

Superintendent Jane Stavem hosted nearly 50 future educators Tuesday for "Bagels with the Boss." Student teachers currently working in SFSD classrooms joined us to learning about job opportunities, hear about the support offered by the District's Instructional Coaches, and connect with leadership. We look forward to adding many of these new teachers to our team in the Fall!