Kindergarten Registration

It's that time! Children who are five years old on or before September 1, 2025, can register for kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. Below is step-by-step on how to register!

STEP 1: Please go to Kindergarten Input Form and enter your child’s information. This puts your child on our list of incoming kindergartners and gives you an opportunity to tell us about your child. This does NOT enroll your child for school.

STEP 2: Submit verification of your address. The address verification must be in your (parent/guardian) name, and it must be current. Your name, dates(s), and address must be visible. We can only accept the following documents:

  • Utility bill

  • State/Government agency mail

  • Mortgage document

  • Rental property lease or payment receipts

  • Property tax payment or receipts

  • Homeowner’s insurance policy

STEP 3: We need the following documents for your student:

  • Birth Certificate – We are required to see the ORIGINAL birth certificate. You cannot email it, and we cannot accept a copy from you. Please bring the original birth certificate to the office between 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, or you can bring it to our upcoming Kindergarten Open House.

  • Immunizations - You can email them to or fax them to 605-362-3535.

 STEP 4: On February 3, complete the Sioux Falls School District's (SFSD) official online registration. The registration does not open until February 3, so you will not be able to complete it until then. There are two registration options – one is for current families, and one is for new families:

  1. EXISTING FAMILIES (with students in SFSD): Log into your parent portal. On the left side, select "More" and then select “KG and New Student Registration."

  2. NEW FAMILIES (no students in SFSD): Go to and select “Enroll in Sioux Falls School District – New Families." Make sure you select the 25-26 school year, or you will have to start over

STEP 5: Save the date! Please plan on bringing your incoming kindergartner to our Kindergarten Open House on March 6, from 4:00 pm 6:00 pm. More details to come!