35th annual Dr. John W. Harris Teacher of the Year Nominations are open!

Reminders from Discovery students!

Wow, way to go Discovery! We not only reached our goal - we exceeded it! We collected 1,412 pairs of socks for the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House here in Sioux Falls. Thank you Discovery students and families for your generosity!

And with a blink of an eye, we are already a quarter way through the 2022-2023 school year! The second quarter is here, and it’s a busy one! While this time of year tends to get chaotic, it’s important to remember how crucial student attendance is. Chronic absenteeism is a serious problem in South Dakota - a problem SFSD is committed to improving. Missing just two days a month can hurt a student’s grades and increase their chance of dropping out. Make sure your student is on the path to a bright future – and that starts in the classroom!

A HUGE thank you to PTO for refreshing our book supply in the office during the Scholastic Book Fair! We appreciate you!

Discovery’s main entrance got an update over the weekend, and it looks amazing!

On Thursday afternoon, 5th grade students will eat lunch in their classroom and take in part in Career Cafe, where they will hear from different career speakers from the community. If you are a 5th grade parent and would like to help serve cookies at the event, please email our school counselor, Karmyn Marchand, at Karmyn.Marchand@k12.sd.us.

Madeline Shields with the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House (Bishop Dudley) presented to 5th grade Student Council students today. She explained what they do, who they care for, and how they help those in the community. Bishop Dudley will be the recipients of our Socktober “sock” donations. Discovery will be collecting socks at the Fall Dance tonight and at school through October 31. Thank you Student Council for helping to support our community!

Today marks the 23rd Annual Lights On Afterschool event! Launched over 20 years ago, Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families, and communities.
In honor of this event, Kids Inc. staff at all locations will be hosting celebrations throughout the next two weeks for students and families to participate in. Activities include talent shows, cookie decorating, pumpkin paintings, dance parties, art shows, scavenger hunts, and carnivals! These events are meant to bring awareness to the importance of quality after-school programs for kids.
Please help us say thank you to our Kids Inc. staff who play a MAJOR role in so many of our students' education journeys. We are incredibly thankful for each and every one of them for their dedication to the District and our students!

It’s Socktober! What is Socktober? Each night in the United States, an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets. Socktober’s goal is to have people show that even a small act of love - such as donating a pair of socks - can make a big difference in the lives of the homeless. Discovery’s goal is to collect 1,000 pairs of socks for the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House here in Sioux Falls. The greatest need is adult socks, and we will be collecting them until October 31. For more information about Socktober, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1YIK5UOnOM .

Reminder! Please join us this Friday, October 21, for family fun at PTO’s Fall Dance from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm! Students can wear a kid-friendly costume and get ready for dancing, games, and candy! All students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian for the entire duration of the dance. There are also 18 volunteer slots available at 30 minutes each. If you can help, please sign-up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c44adad2ca3ff2-fall6.

JOIN US IN 15 MINUTES for our second Family Forum Series virtual webinar! Tonight's topic will focus on anxiety.
💻📱 Click this link to join ---> https://bit.ly/3TyJjen
Important note: If you choose to join using a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone, you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Teams App. The app requires you to type a name. You can use a first name, nickname, or a made-up name. The anonymous platform does NOT allow us to see user names. It only allows us to see the number of viewers.

Prairie West Library is closing at noon on Friday, October 21. If your student normally goes their afterschool, you will need to make other arrangements.

Check out Discovery’s Office Amazon Wishlist at https://a.co/11mYqvB! The office will also accept comparable items from other retailers. The items on the Wishlist are for students that need a change of clothes at school. Thank you for supporting Discovery!

Candy donations needed, please!

Did you know that Feeding South Dakota has a mobile food pantry? See photo for details.

Yesterday, kindergarten students enjoyed a Fire Safety Puppet Show presented by Sioux Falls Fire Rescue and Avera McKennan. It was a great presentation! The students enjoyed the puppet friends - especially Firefighter Frank.

It looks like Fall will be here towards the end of the week. Please dress your student(s) accordingly. Keep in mind that the playground does not have any coverage from the wind.

Excuse us while we brag for a minute… Our Superintendent is pretty talented! Dr. Jane Stavem is an accomplished pianist, vocalist, trumpet player, French horn player, percussionist, xylophone player… oh, and she also plays harmonica! 😉 These talents, along with her deep love for all things Fine Arts, earned her the honor of Parade Marshal for Festival of Bands 2022! We are proud to be lead by someone who values the role extracurriculars play in “preparing each student to succeed in a changing world!”

Updated breakfast and lunch pricing, how to re-apply for free and reduced meals, who gets low fund balance notifications, and an easy and delicious snack mix recipe to try at home. It's all in the October edition of the "What's the Scoop" newsletter from our Child Nutrition Services!
Read it here! ---> https://www.smore.com/g09r2